Health Science Education

First Aid and CPR CPU Objectives

Activity 1: Introduction

1-1. Define first aid and CPR.
1-2. Identify careers related to first aid and CPR.
1-3. Identify duties and responsibilities for each career.
1-4. Identify education and training requirements for each career.
1-5. Research two careers that utilize first aid and CPR and write a one-page summary of each.

Activity 2: Safety

1-1. Discuss types of first aid precautions.
2-2. Identify signs of an emergency.
2-3. Discuss the EMS system.
2-4. Discuss the history of the standard precautions.
2-5. Discuss types of pathogens.
2-6. Identify types of personal protective equipment.
2-7. Define asepsis.
2-8. Discuss first aid asepsis and contamination clean up.
2-9. Practice proper hand-washing techniques.
2-10. Practice procedures for removing disposable gloves.

Activity 3: Casualty Assessment

1-1. Discuss the three emergency action steps.
3-2. Identify the basic principles of a scene survey.
3-3. Discuss the primary survey.
3-4. Discuss the secondary survey.
3-5. Discuss vital signs observed in the secondary survey.
3-6. Discuss types of emergency carries.
3-7. Discuss the recovery position.
3-8. Practice moving a casualty into the recovery position.
3-9. Practice common rescue carries.

Activity 4: Cardiac Emergencies and CPR

4-1. Discuss the four chambers of the heart.
4-2. Define cardiac arrest.
4-3. Discuss the role of CPR during cardiac arrest.
4-4. Identify proper procedures for administering CPR on an adult, child, and infant.
4-5. Discuss compression-only CPR.
4-6. Compare cardiac arrest to a heart attack.
4-7. Identify signs and symptoms of a heart attack.
4-8. Practice adult artificial respiration.
4-9. Practice adult and infant CPR.
4-10. Practice procedures for compression-only CPR on an adult.

Activity 5: AED

5-1. Define defibrillation.
5-2. Discuss the importance of early defibrillation.
5-3. Identify the five components in the Cardiac Chain of Survival.
5-4. Explain the role of CPR when delivering emergency care with an AED.
5-5. Identify the age and weight requirements for using an AED on a person in cardiac arrest.
5-6. Describe the basic steps of emergency care with an AED for an adult, child, and infant.
5-7. Identify safety considerations for the AED process.
5-8. Practice proper procedures for adult CPR and AED in a two-rescuer scenario.

Activity 6: Choking

6-1. Identify signs that a person is choking.
6-2. Discuss the 5-and-5 approach.
6-3. Identify steps for performing a finger sweep.
6-4. Discuss alternate methods of performing abdominal thrusts.
6-5. Practice abdominal thrusts for a standing victim.
6-6. Practice abdominal thrusts for oneself.

Activity 7: Wounds, Burns, and Other Injuries

7-1. Discuss types of wounds.
7-2. Identify wound care techniques.
7-3. Classify burns by severity.
7-4. Compare different types of burns and their sources.
7-5. Discuss types of bone, joint, and muscle injuries.
7-6. Identify different types of bone fractures and how they are treated.
7-7. Discuss the mnemonic RICE.
7-8. Discuss first aid care for head, neck, and spinal injuries.
7-9. Identify symptoms of concussions.
7-10. Practice procedures for care of a severely bleeding casualty.
7-11. Apply a cold pack to an injured arm.

Activity 8: Emergency Illnesses

8-1. Identify symptoms of shock.
8-2. Identify types of shock.
8-3. Identify signs and symptoms of sudden illnesses.
8-4. Discuss first aid care for sudden illnesses.
8-5. Discuss respiratory distress.
8-6. Identify signs and symptoms of an asthma attack.
8-7. Identify diabetic emergencies.
8-8. Discuss first aid care for strokes and seizures.
8-9. Practice proper procedures for checking pulse.

Activity 9: Environmental Emergencies

9-1. Discuss heat-related illnesses.
9-2. Identify types of heat stroke.
9-3. Identify signs and symptoms of heat-related illnesses.
9-4. Discuss first aid care for heat-related illnesses.
9-5. Discuss cold-related illnesses.
9-6. Discuss first aid care for cold-related illnesses.
9-7. Discuss the basics of wilderness first aid.
9-8. Compare altitude sickness, motion sickness, and decompression sickness.
9-9. Discuss types of bites and stings and first aid care for each.

Activity 10: Post-Test and Wrap-Up

10-1. Complete the Post-Test.

Activity 11: Bonus Activities

11-1. Complete a crossword puzzle and vocabulary quiz.

Activity 12: Challenge

12-1. Discuss the emotional aspects of emergency care.
12-2. Explain the grief process.
12-3. Discuss available methods for coping with stress and grief.

Activity 13: Open-Ended Challenge

13-1. Discuss HOSA and the various competitions related to first aid and CPR.
13-2. Complete an activity similar to a HOSA competitive event.

Activity 14: Careers

14-1. Research the certification, materials, and cost of becoming an Emergency Medical Technician in the state in which the student lives.
14-2. Write a breif report based on the research.

Activity 15: Job Shadow

15-1. Perform a job shadow of an EMT OR
15-2. Research and write a brief report about a topic related to first aid and CPR.